Exercise Mats
Manduka is more than eco-conscious yoga gear. Way more. We are joyology – a study in living. Our mission starts on the mat.
Manduka is a company founded on the simple idea that a better yoga mat can make a world of difference. Ten years ago Peter Sterios, an architect turned yogi, discovered a simple, elegantly-designed black mat whose unique combination of firm grip and complete support revolutionized his yoga practice. In honor of the yoga masters who inspired him, he sought to share this amazing product with others. And in the great yoga tradition, these teachers shared their mats with their students, and a true yoga company was born.
eQua® Mat Towel
Super-absorbent, non-slip and quick drying, the eQua Mat Towel spreads over the yoga mat to provide a slip-resistant, hygienic surface. Works great for all types of yoga including hot yoga and Vinyasa Flow Yoga.Call for special price